Brightside Nursery Infant School

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Design and Technology

Design and Technology statement of intent

At Brightside nursery infant school we aim to ensure that Design technology lessons engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with knowledge and skills to investigate, invent and create their own work. Our design technology curriculum strives to provide children with opportunities to develop their skills using a range of materials and media. Children learn the skills of cutting, joining and attaching materials, designing and evaluating.

From the early years onwards, design and technology curriculum works to establish a school culture of creativity and investigative learners. Children are encouraged to design purposeful, functional, appealing products for themselves. They do this through investigating topics such as: mechanisms, structures and moving pictures.

At Brightside Nursery Infant School children are challenged to evaluate and analyse their own work, thinking about how they can keep improving. Children are supported to take risks and experiment with techniques to enable them to become confident, imaginative and independent lifelong learners

We encourage children to recognise the beneficial impact of designing and making to support their mental and physical well-being. They leave Brightside with experiences that will enable them to have a lifelong engagement with design and technology.


Small Steps across Year 1 and Year 2

EYFS assessment points

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

In nursery and reception, the children are taught design and technology through planned continuous provision activities and through teacher-led tasks. Design and technology projects include:

*designing and making fruit kebabs 

*creating rafts to float 


Key Stage 1 (KS1)

In year 1 and year 2, design and technology is taught in weekly blocks every half term. These are based on current topics. Children learn to take products apart to investigate how they are made, create designs, learn skills for the project e.g. cutting, sewing, using hacksaws and joining materials. They then plan how they are going to make their product through writing their own instructions before making, evaluating and improving their designs.  Projects include:

*designing and making sandwiches for a healthy picnic 

*making a photo frame 

*creating an animal moving picture 

*making an emergency vehicle

*sewing animal puppets 

*designing and making bridges