Welcome to Reception!
The teachers/key workers in Reception are Mr Spencer and Mrs Abrahams (Weds-Fri) in class 8.
Miss Fidler is the teacher/key worker in class 9.
The teaching assistants are Ms Witherstone, Mr Spencer, Miss Wiltshire, Mrs Lawson and Miss Batty (speech and language).
Our PE day is Wednesday.
Please ensure that your child brings a PE to school and earrings are removed.
Our Woodland School day is Wednesday.
Please ensure that your child wears suitable outdoor clothes e.g. waterproof coat, hat, gloves, wellies.
Homework will be sent home weekly.
Homework will consist of handwriting, phonics and maths, and sometimes additional topic related activities.
Your child will also bring home a reading challenge folder. This is to be returned weekly so that a new ditty/reading book can be added. Please read this daily with your child at home.